

Discussion of Reading files in a Chrome Extension

2018年3月4日 — ... chrome.runtime.getUrl function. Whenever I try to use it in a content_script I get: Uncaught TypeError: chrome.runtime.getUrl is not a function.

uncaught (in promise) typeerror chrome.extension.geturl is ...

Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: The play() request was interrupted by a call to pause(). 从Chrome50开始,对<video>或<audio>元素的play()调用返回一个Pro…

chrome.extension.geturl is not a function

但是,如果你在执行该方法时收到了is not a function 的错误消息,那么可能是因为你在执行该方法之前没有正确调用Chrome 浏览器扩展API。

chrome.extension | API

The chrome.extension API has utilities that can be used by any extension page. It includes support for exchanging messages between an extension and its ...

extension.getURL() - Mozilla

2023年3月6日 — Converts a relative path within an extension's install directory to a fully-qualified URL.

browser.extension.getURL() is deprecated. · Issue #102

2020年4月16日 — Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. chrome.extension.getURL() deprecated.

Google Chrome extension

2022年6月10日 — log(YT extension loaded!); Problem is that I get: Uncaught TypeError: chrome.extension.getURL is not a function at loader.js:2:26. Can ...

MV3 “chrome.extension.getURL is not a function“

2022年3月11日 — 概述:An extension that allows local viewing of Axure RP prototypes from Google Chrome. 描述: ...

Chrome extension getUrl not working in injected file

2015年10月15日 — I'm developing a Chrome extension, is there any way to get the chrome.extension.getURL('file path') method from injected file? I'm unable to ...